
Cleaning Product Recipes

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Household Essentials 5009 Collapsible Indoor Tripod-Style Clothes Dryer

For years I have been hearing "I make my own laundry detergent". I would look at the recipes online and think, I am not doing all that work for homemade laundry detergent! Well, recently I came across one that looked very simple so I thought I would try it. It was for a liquid which has always been my preference but it was awful. I guess it did the job but I just wasn't happy with it soooo I found a powder recipe. I have made 3 batches so far, each with a different soap.

 Dial Corp. 04303 Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar Soap 

The first I used Fels Naptha. It was fine but the smell of that soap bothered me a little also it is nowhere to be found locally. 

Pink Zote Soap 14.1 oz

The second batch I made with pink Zote. That batch I was very pleased with but again, no Zote to be had. 

 Ivory Simply Bar Soap, 16-count Packages (Pack of 2) 

So, the third batch I used Ivory soap. That I can find everywhere and it is fine with me! Once the laundry is done there is no smell, just smells clean. Fragrances bother me so that is another plus! No one in my family is complaining about the switch. My husband would always complain when I changed detergents and now it seems this is fine so far! His work clothes even seem to come out clean and fresh! I will say, if they are heavily soiled or have a foul smell, IE chemical, sometimes they do have a little of that smell remaining but these are usually very heavy construction worker chemical smells! I also have been using vinegar in the rinse as a softener. I just read a tip about using old cut up flannel soaked in white vinegar as dryer sheets. I love that idea! So here is the recipe I have been using. I used a hand grater for the soap and it was EASY! I thought that was going to be a long tedious task but it wasn't at all!


This is not my picture but this is exactly what my Zote powdered detergent looked like!

This is also not "my" recipe, it is all over the net but it is what I used and love!


2 cups finely grated Zote, Fels Naptha, or Ivory soap

1 cup borax

1 cup washing soda (not baking soda, they are different)

A container to store it in. I used a recently emptied out margarine tub but plan to use something prettier as soon as I find it! I just wanted to make sure I was going to use this! Here's another great tip, the best way to make this detergent is to remember the 2:1:1 ratio. All you have to do is grate the soap, I grated mine right into the container. Add in the powders, shake and your ready to tackle Mount Washmore! :)  2 Tablespoons for a large regular soiled load. You will have to decide how much you need for your more soiled, I would start with 3 T and see how that works. I am happy enough with this to keep using it. I know it is costing me a lot less than the store bought detergent and we have been pleased so far!

Would love to hear your comments on what you do to save money on laundry or if you make any frugal products! 


Dry Erase Marker On My Daughter's Comforter!

My daughter told me bright and early this morning she had been using her dry erase board and markers on her bed and accidentally got marker on her comforter. I quickly reminded her that she should put paper under her work or go elsewhere to do it! Then I grabbed the alcohol and saturated the stain. Oh man, it wasn't doing anything! I stripped her bed and took it down to the laundry room. If alcohol didn't work, what would??? I started researching the internet and found several comments stating that this was no big deal to remove. Well, that was good to hear! After reading what others had tried I headed back to the laundry room. I tried my homemade "Shout" stain remover which has been awesome but not on this. Next I tried a dry eraser. Nope. I tried hand sanitizing gel which works great on dried paint, but nope, didn't seem to do anything. I then grabbed a baby wipe, expired sunscreen, ran it through the washer, still no change. I tried Murphy's Oil soap and for whatever reason, it seemed to remove itI I just kept working at it until I was able to get 99% of it out. You can't really see it now! YAY me! Lol!

Here's the Shout recipe....

Shout Stain Remover Recipe:

1/3 cup Dawn Dish soap  (or liquid laundry detergent)
1/3 cup Ammonia
1 cup Water
3 tbsp. baking soda into mix
Mix all ingredients together and store in an empty spray bottle or dish soap bottle
Scrub into garment with old toothbrush