
Coupon Lingo

Some shopping terms:

$1/2: This means that the coupon will take $1 off 2 items

AC - After Coupon

Actual - Physical items you hold in your hand meaning a box of pasta rather than a pasta coupon

Addy - Address

AR - After Rebate

BLINKIES - These are found in stores in a box most often the box will have a red blinking light on it

BOGO or B1G1F - Buy one get one free

BTFE - Box Tops for Education - special markings on products that schools can redeem for free or discounted items

- Brick & Mortar means a physical, not online store

Cat or Catalina - Coupons that come from a box next to the CRT machine or in store aisles

CLFE - Campbell's Labels for Education - lables from products that schools redeem for free or discounted items

COH - Cut Out Hunger

CRT - Cash register tape

CW -
DCRT - Dated/Detailed cash register tape

DCRTC - Dated/detailed cash register tape with the price circled

DND - Do Not Double

Double Coupon - Means the value of the coupon is doubled at the register

Envie - Envelope used for mailing items

ESR - EasySaver Rebate - Reabtes found in the monthly rebate booklet in stores

EXP: Expires, listed with date to indicate how long the coupon is valid

FAR - Free After Rebate

FREE ITEM COUPON - You get a free product at the store at no cost or just tax

FSOT - For Sale or Trade - meaning I want cash or other item in return for something I have

GDA - Good Deal Alert - heads up to a deal you should go get

HBA - The health and beauty aid section

HT - refunds or coupons that are found on the necks of product bottles

IMHO - In My Honest Opinion

ISO - In Search Of - looking for an item/coupon

IDSO - In Desperate Search Of - looking hard for an item/coupon

IVC - Walgreen's Instant Value Coupon- coupons from the weekly ad or ESR booklet

IVDSO - In Very Desperate Search Of - major need to find something

IP - Internet printable coupon

MANU - Coupon issued from the manufacture

MIR - Mail In Rebate - you have to mail it to a clearing house to redeem

NAZ - Name, address, zip code - used for trades

NED - No expiration date - rare coupons that never expire

NBPN - No Beer Purchase Needed - sometimes beer rebates won't require a beer purchase

NWPN - No wine purchase needed - sometimes wine rebates won't require a wine purchase

OOP - Out of Pocket - money paid after coupons

  • Step 4
    OOS - Out of Stock - get a rain check for these items!

    OYNO - On your next order - a lot of catalinas fall under this, meaning you need to make an additional purchase to redeem

    P&G - Proctor & Gamble Sunday insert coupons

    PEELIE - coupon's found on product that are sticky unless removed carefully

    PITA - Pain in the ass

    POP - Proof of purchase found on actual item

    PPHF - Paypal handling fee - money used to trade coupons

    PSA - Public Service Announcement - not as cheesy as the ones from childhood!

    QUALIFIER - The items needed to complete a reabte

    RAOK - Random act of kindness - offers of coupons/actuals at no expense, given out of the love in your heart

    RC - Raincheck - your best friend if you coupon!

    RP - Red Plum Sunday Insert Coupons

    RR - Register Rewards - These come from Wags, a lot like ECB's

    SASE - Self Addressed Stamped Envelope some freebies require them

    SF - Store form, forms found in the store good only at that store

    SMP - Specially Marked Packages - some reabtes require you buy products with special advertising on them

    SS - Smart Source or Sunday Insert coupons

    STACKING - Wags and CVS allow you to use a store coupon and a manu coupon on the same item

    TEAR PAD - A pad of refund forms or coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display

    TMF - Try Me Free - rebates for the full price of the item when it first is new to the market

    WINE TAG - coupons found on the necks of wine bottles

    WL - wishlist

    WPN - Wine purchase needed

    WSL - while supplies last usually no rainchecks issued

    WT - winetag

    WYB - When You Buy - additional purcahse is required to redeem

    YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary - sometimes deals work well for others and not some. It comes from each person has a different distance to the store so each person has a different expierince

  • ONYO: On Your Next Order

    WYB: When you Buy

    Coupon Insert Abbreviations:

    P&G: Proctor & Gamble coupon insert in newspaper, these usually only come once a month

    RP: RedPlum coupon insert in newspaper

    SS: Smart Source coupon insert in newspaper

    Exclusive to certain Stores:

    RR: Register Reward used at Walgreens, which is printed like a coupon,when you check out. Use these on your next Walgreen's transaction as “money”.

    ECB: Extra Care Bucks used at CVS, which is printed on your receipt when you check out. Use these on your next transaction as “money”.

    SCR: Single Check Rebates at Rite Aid, offered monthly. Sign up for the SCR program first, make the purchases, then enter information from your receipt on their site to receive the rebate in the mail. You can look at the Rite Aid SCR list here.